Thursday, July 31, 2008


So driving to work I saw one of my favorite bumber stickers. I thought I'd make a reoccurring post like my odes to food. I'm not going to say why I'm just going to post them. Here's the first one:

Well behaved women seldom make history!
-Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Okay so I just said I wasn't going to say anything about them but I thought i would Google this quote real fast to see if there was an author linked. There is- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. What I didn't know was that she self-identifies as an active feminist and Mormon, and has written with great insight about her experiences. She has a won many awards and has recently wrote a book Well behaved Women on some women socitey would call not well behaved women for their time. Interesting....would love to learn from her.


  1. I'll have you know that I did not help him at all-that was his own mind at work. I asked him at dinner that night- and he told me pretty much what he told you but he for got about the gysers so that is why I mentioned gysers. It was funny in the middle of telling me at the dinner table he asked, Mom, were there gysers when the dinosours were on the Earth? and I told him that there probably were- If you call that help then I am guilty. As far as Addison goes she loves dinosour chiken nuggets but that is about all on that subject :)

  2. I read a bumper sticker this morning that said, "Men should really start listening to women."

    Ryan and I laughed and laughed because I can be such a (mild) feminazi...

    I have heard that quote before. It's fun to think about.
