This was yesterday

This is today
I seem very susceptible to this bug. They want to take my tonsils but i refuse. I seem to have it bad this time. Not sure how i got it but i know one of my co-workers had it the week before. I thought I would take some pictures to gross everyone out except Valerie.
Ha Ha Ha - That is pretty funny - I sat and studied your pics then read what you had to say- If I were you I would take them OUT- That has to be very PAINFUL- and the positive side is that you get to eat ice cream for like a week-- a dream come true for me- Looks like you need to be doing more hand washing- Good luck and drink lots of water.
ReplyDeleteI think you better listen to the doctor and have them out. They don't look good at all!
ReplyDeleteDo I need to come and help you?
My eight year old had her's taken out. They put you under so you don't even feel a thing! LOL. She did real well. I'm sure it's more painful to leave them in. I had strep last year around Christmas time. It had been over twenty years since I had strep. I hate the feeling that you can't even swallow. It was odd, we had planned to go to Farmington to spend Christmas with Grandma Culler. I wasn't feeling well. Two nights before we left in the middle of the night I hear, "strep." The next morning I looked in the mirror and sure enough those white patches were there. I was able to call my OB and have medicine called in. I called the next day for three more members of my family. The doctor helped save our trip.
ReplyDeleteSO IF I WERE YOU: I'd get them taken out.
Mom kept asking me, "have you looking a Joel's disgusting tonsils yet?" So, I'm finally "looking" at your tonsils. YUCK! Seriously, you should have those out! Luke had his out last spring and he's doing great! He snores a lot less too...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope you are doing well. Love ya!