Thursday, October 23, 2008

Home at last!

After being in Mexico for the last week I am home. I actually got home on Tuesday after spending one quick night in LA (less than 12 hrs). Mexico was awesome and I hope to do a day- by-day now that I'm getting readjusted to normal life. I can stop saying hola and gracias or counting in Spanish. It's probably annoying to people at work. Over all being outside of the United States always reminds me how much I love my country. Regardless of the differences and the negative spin you sometimes get- being an American is and has a responsibility and a security. That said being in Mexico reminds me of the simple things. The basics is what we treasure, understand, and seek the most. I seem to get lost in "material objects" or accomplishment- sometimes just the routine of life. Stepping back in one of the most gorgeous places on Earth helps reline focus. Not that anything was profound but you start to notice the simple basics.


  1. I have been anxiously waiting to talk to you and Saturday is just around the corner. You will have to post some pictures. Thanks again for the phone call.

  2. I went to Mexico last November for work. It's so gorgeous! I can't wait to go back one day!! I hope you are doing well! Talk to you soon!
