I decided to do this by location instead of day. We went to Mexico to celebrate 5 years of being in a relationship. Its weird to think of how quick time can be and when I look back at the last five years its amazing how much has happen. This was all possible because last year during thanksgiving we had the chance to be bumped from our flight and in return received a free flight. So when you have a chance- do it! We arrived in Mexico around 5 pm and because they advise not to drive at night we decided to stay in a small fishing town just 15 miles south in Puerto Morelos. We got to the town pretty quick but once we got there we couldn't find the Hotel. yea-In this huge town of 8 blocks. (of course i didn't get bring any directions to any of the places we where staying) We called and no one spoke English at the hotel. We knew it was on the beach so we just drove down all these little alleys until finally we found it. It was on the beach and the room was pretty big and quite cheep. Another reason we went there was because they have one of the best spot for snorkeling along the reef. We didn't get to go there cause the ocean was to ruff. The people were nice and the food was pretty good. The best part was the moon. We were eating dinner outside at a restaurant and it was pretty dark. Then raised a large moon out in the ocean. It was orange and you could see it moving. The moon moves very quickly there. Its so beautiful and you could see the landscape of the moon without a telescope. We didn't do much else there. We were tired of the long travel and just relaxed and looked and listened to ocean in the moonlight. One funny thing is that Lucas ate half a bar similar to a granola bar and left the rest in the wrapper on the counter. In the morning there was this long long long line of sugar ants that where taking little parts of it. We had breakfast and headed south to Tulum. My favorite story of the trip happen on the way there. We are driving south and this is the longest part of the driving about 40 miles. (btw everyone there has new cars. I was surprised. I think we had the oldest car on the road) So we are going about 100k/h which is around 60 m per hour. And we see a truck that looks like a dump truck full of just junk. As we are passing it we notice two animals on top of the junk. It was two little monkeys fighting each other on top of this big truck going about 50 miles an hour down the road. It was so funny and i wish the camera wouldn't have been in the trunk of the car. We made sure to keep the camera handy for the rest of the trip.