Monday, September 29, 2008

My Blog had a blog baby

I mentioned in the last video post that I was going to start more post on nutrition and exercise. Instead of more post I made a new blog! It's called: Balance your Body. I've only copied the previous odes for now. Check it out-spread the word!


  1. have you ever gone to mexico? When we went the food was okay until the days past by the time the trip was over I was barely eating anything. But if your food is included in your trip you should be okay. Their white cheese is weird along with many more items. Have fun in the sun, you'll have to live it up for me too.

  2. LOL! I love the baby blog. It's been really fun to look at. I haven't had time to comment much yet, but I will. I am reading it though :)

    The MIKA video was funny. At first I didn't really like it, by the time the video was over. . .I was enjoying it :)
